Retail Campaign &
POS Material
Ingelsta Kalkon
Whole Turkey Retail Campaign
Retail, Concept, Design, Food Photography, Videography, Copy, Print Ads, POS-material
Peter Carlsson (Photographer)
Lisa Lemke (Recipes)
Established in 1984, Ingelsta Kalkon is Sweden's premier brand for high-quality, locally sourced turkey products. Today, the brand proudly offers an extensive premium range of turkey-based food products, including fresh whole turkeys, sausages, meatballs, and various toppings. Paarts' initial assignment for Ingelsta Kalkon was to create a campaign focused on boosting sales of fresh whole turkeys in Sweden. Unlike in America and England, turkey is not commonly associated with family gatherings in Sweden. Therefore, we needed to come up with a slogan that could shift this perception. The phrase "Jaa, Kalkon!" was coined to remind consumers, "Why didn't I think of turkey?" This unique retail and social media campaign included a custom photoshoot featuring both a family and delectable turkey recipes. It aimed to showcase the limitless culinary possibilities that come with cooking turkey.